About Us
3D Printing | 3D Design | 3D Crystals | Custom Lenticulars

3DReactions is a 3D Printing, 3D Design, and Lenticular printing business located in the beautiful rolling hills of Pennsylvania, serving both businesses and customers alike. Our passion is to innovate and bring new products to life with our expertise in 3D Printing, 3D Design, and Lenticular Photography. Our goal is to create unique and amazing personalized products that can’t be made with traditional manufacturing and printing methods. We do everything from 3D Design and Modeling to creating amazing Custom Lenticular Pictures from your photographs!
Our Story
With a passion for new technology, John, along with his wife Dana Majersky, started JODA Enterprises LLC to explore business models for a 3D Printing and Scanning business. Four years later the brand 3DReactions was born. The focus of 3D Printing for 3DReactions® was to place an emphasis on how 3D Printing can rapidly create things like replacement parts for products that are broken and no longer supported by their manufacturer, or parts that the supply chain can not support. Sound familiar? As a practical matter, this scenario tragically played itself out during early days of the COVID-19 pandemic where PPE was in short supply and an army of makers stood up to fill the void. 3DReactions was proud to have done our part early on in the pandemic. We donated equipment to help other makers, donated hundreds of face shields, offered hundreds more face shields at deep discounts for our medical workers and first responders, and made hundreds more face shields for customers and medical professionals all over the country.
3DReactions early focus was on 3D scans of people utilizing kinect style scanners and moving later on to photogrammetry scanning. 3DReactions created the ability to scan a human being in under a second by snapping 70 simultaneous images using a cameras array created with Raspberry PI with 8MP cameras attached to them. These 70 images could then be stitched together using special software to create a 3D model of a human, pet, or other large objects. When the pandemic hit in 2020 we decided to end 3D people scans as a product, partly for obvious reasons, but also because new capabilities have really eliminated the need. Most of what we used to scan we can now do more efficiently with 3D modeling, including for people.
As time marched on, 3DReactions expanded our product line soon after our launch in 2016 to incorporate custom lenticular printing to our product capability. If you ever reached the end of a cracker jack box and found one of those tilting photos prizes, that is a lenticular picture. Lenticular pictures either flip from one image to another as you walk by or they can create the illusion of depth in a 2D photo. After reading and seeing how far this technology has come, 3DReactions started to introduce flip pictures in 2016 then added 3D effect in 2017. Over the years we have continued to improve this technology and as recently as 2020 have added new printing capabilities that have dramatically improved the quality of our products. We will continue to innovate in this space by combining lenticular and 3D printing technologies, as well as frames and lighted lenticulars.
In 2018, 3DReactions added 3D Crystals to our line of products and they continue to be popular as keepsakes or memorials. These amazing crystals are created using just a single photograph. The said photograph is converted into a 3D model. And finally, a subsurface laser engraver (SSLE) is used to engrave the 3D model into the crystal. SSLE technology uses a “Green” laser with very short wavelength of only 532 nanometers, or half the wavelength of a typical fibre laser. The “Green” laser focuses the laser inside of the crystal cube to create tiny fractures, sometimes referred to as “Bubbles”, they are basically little tiny pockets inside the crystal. Repeat thousands of times and place each bubble precisely and you can create stunning 3D images inside of a Crystal.
We are small but mighty. We like to say that we are customers too and we treat all of our customers accordingly. Whenever confronted with a challenge, we always ask the question “If I were the customer, what would I want?”, and then that is what we do. That goes for everything from how we interact with our customers, to creating new products, to resolving issues. We are compassionate people who love what we do and always take the very best care of each and every customer, read our reviews here to see what our customers think of us.
As former travel executives, we both have a passion for travel and we use many of our travel pictures in our own products so we thought we would share a few. You will find some of these images below in our samples as you peruse our site. We hope to see some of you soon:)
Sunflower Fields - Pennsylvania
Universal Studios
New York City
Here are just some of our amazing reviews
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some answers to the questions we receive the most about our services.
If we missed anything, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to help
Why the name 3DReactions?
We get this question a lot. Simple answer, the url was available while many others were not. We wish the answer was more creative, but that is what it came down to. It sounded better than “3D Beginning”.
What happened to people scanning?
We decided once the pandemic hit that we would shelf people scanning. It is an amazing technology, but we have found that 3d modeling can be as efficient without the overhead of scanning equipment.
What is the largest lenticular you make?
The largest size lenticular we make is an 11×16 lenticular flip which you can find on on our website here
What is a FLOTO?
A “FLOTO” is a combination of the words “FLip” and “phOTO”. To our knowledge, we originally coined the term and have used it to describe our lenticular flips on Amazon, Etsy, and 3dreactions.com.
Can you use a 3D camera to make a 3D lenticular picture?
Yes, a 3D lenticular picture can be made using the left and right images from a 3d camera. Typically these cameras create an MPO file which contains both the left and right images.
What is a Custom Lenticular Picture
Custom Lenticular pictures are the same as a regular stock lenticular that you can find in many small shops. However with a custom lenticular we use your photos to create the 3d, flip, or animation effect.
If you do not know what a lenticular is or are interested in learning. See our lenticular printing page for more details
How do you make a lenticular?
Well, it ain’t easy:) We print directly on to the backside of our lenticular lenses to get the best and most consistent quality. See more details on our lenticular printing page
How do I send you my pictures?
You can upload your pictures online during the checkout process. Or you can email them to us at 3dreactions@jodaent.com if you have any problems uploading.
Is a lenticular what I used to find in a cracker jack box?
YES! Exactly, the “tilt cards” as they were called is probably the most well known use of a lenticular picture.